Marriage – When God created women

Session 1 | Episode 4


Woman – The second human God created, leaving the best for last

Today we touch on a somewhat sensitive subject, namely a woman’s role in marriage. Many times, the world is perceived as a man’s world, a place where men are the stronger sex and those in charge.

As such Ephesians 5 is frequently quoted where Paul says “wives … submit to your husbands as to the Lord”. But it was never God’s intention for a woman to be inferior to a man, yes – He created her differently but as equal to the man. “A helper suitable, just right for the man” according to Genesis 2.

God, therefore, did not intend for a woman to compete with a man, but as a unique being to compliment him! Therefore, a wife demonstrates her love for her husband by respecting and supporting him, despite his many weaknesses.

“... submit to one another out of reverence for Christ...”

“... submit to one another out of reverence for Christ...”

Accepting God’s intention for men to lead in love, never implies that a woman must accept that she is inferior or lose her identity or to ignore her gifts. On the contrary, before Paul instructed a wife to submit to her husband he firstly instruct couples to “…submit to one another out of reverence for Christ… ” (Ephesians 5:21).

In marriage, the glory of God is at stake because the Bible proclaims that marriage was God’s doing. Genesis 1:27 reads: “So God created humans in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female (husband and wife) he created them” – a unique unity of 2 different people that are not the same but equal. 

Then the Bible declares that God looked at the man AND the woman and He said: ” … this creation of us is very good…

We want to thank you for taking part in our weekly ‘Weekend to Remember’ podcast. 

We will have a project at the end of every Session (4 weeks) that can be completed individually and together as a couple. 

Presented by

Picture of Gerrie Holtzhausen

Gerrie Holtzhausen

After completion of his Theological Studies at Stellenbosch University, Gerrie served as pastor and missionary for 30 years in various contexts in South Africa and Mozambique.

He and Wienkie currently live in Pretoria, focusing on pastoring and life coaching in family environments. He is an associate staff of Campus Crusade for Christ as part of FamilyLife.

Picture of Gerrie Holtzhausen

Gerrie Holtzhausen

After completion of his Theological Studies at Stellenbosch University, Gerrie served as pastor and missionary for 30 years in various contexts in South Africa and Mozambique.

He and Wienkie currently live in Pretoria, focusing on pastoring and life coaching in family environments. He is an associate staff of Campus Crusade for Christ as part of FamilyLife.

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