Life after divorce – Part 4

Session 13 | Episode 4

Finding Contentment

Good day again, My name is Gerda Snyman and I am talking about life after divorce.

The previous time I talked about forgiveness and today I want to talk about finding contentment – how to live a full and fulfilling life again.

As I continued my single life, I made peace with the fact that I don’t have what couples have – intimacy with a spouse, children and grandchildren. I had to accept the voids of what I see others are enjoying. It was painful in the beginning and sometime still is when I see my friends bragging about their grandchildren. But I have more time to reach out to others and be there for those who are lonely and struggling. I have more time for Bible study and being with God. I have a peaceful life and found my fulfilment and contentment in those things – being useful in God’s Kingdom.

I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.

I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.

A book I once studied was The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs.

Burroughs quoted Paul from Phil 4:11 “I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content”.

Burroughs wrote, “Christian contentment is that sweet, inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit… every condition.” And Paul said it was something he had to learn.

Most lessons of contentment I have learnt are from these two men. I had to learn to have that quiet frame of spirit and silence the murmuring spirit within me. That came after time when submitting and spending time in God’s Word and in prayer – daily. Then I was able to be of service to others, get involved again with ministry and with action groups at my church. It is striking that John the Baptist, Jesus himself and the apostle Paul were unmarried and they viewed singleness as a legitimate and positive vocation. Paul even said that it is a gift from God.

The most important thing is to have God as the centre of my universe – not myself or anybody else.

If you would like to talk to someone, please contact Family Life South Africa.

Presented by

Picture of Gerda Snyman

Gerda Snyman

Gerda Snyman has served as the Communications Manager at Campus Crusade for Christ South Africa since 2012 until September 2020. She was responsible for social media, the website, and managing the media department. She now stepped down from that position and joined LeaderImpact to serve and reach people in the workplace. From the time she joined staff in 2003 she was involved with the leadership ministry of CCC. This ministry reaches out to leaders in the workplace, government and diplomatic corps, helping them find their full potential and meaning in life.

Picture of Gerda Snyman

Gerda Snyman

Gerda Snyman has served as the Communications Manager at Campus Crusade for Christ South Africa since 2012 until September 2020. She was responsible for social media, the website, and managing the media department. She now stepped down from that position and joined LeaderImpact to serve and reach people in the workplace. From the time she joined staff in 2003 she was involved with the leadership ministry of CCC. This ministry reaches out to leaders in the workplace, government and diplomatic corps, helping them find their full potential and meaning in life.

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