1. 6 No-No’s for Relating to Your Man
Intentionally connecting with your husband takes hard work. By Robert Lewis
2. 6 No-No’s for Relating to Your Woman
If you want to understand and love your wife, here are some things you should never do. By Mary May Larmoyeux
3. 8 Lies that Destroy Marriage
Every wrong behavior begins with believing a lie. By Bill Elliff
4. 5 Communication Tools That Saved My Marriage
Early in our marriage, these simple principles change our hearts and transformed our relationship. By Rob Flood
5. 50 Ideas to Inspire Your Husband
A wife has the unique ability to help her husband feel the freedom to reach his fullest potential as the man God has created him to be. By Janel Breitenstein
6. Becoming the Man of Her Dreams
Your wife needs you to pursue a relationship with her—not just when you want romance, but as a way of life. By Dennis Rainey
7. 3 Tips for Investing in Your Husband
It’s important to understand where your husband needs your support. By Barbara Rainey
8. Does a Good God Want Me in a Bad Marriage?
Even though we seldom can see how God uses trials for our future benefit, He has promised to use them for good, and He is faithful to keep His word. By Sabrina Beasley
9. 11 Rules on Marriage You Won’t Learn in School
Here’s some practical, counter-cultural advice on how to make marriage work. By Dennis Rainey
10. 15 Things Wives Should Stop Doing
What do your words and actions say to your husband about your love for him? By Mary May Larmoyeux